Medicine: a Guardian Angel?

Medicine: a Guardian Angel?
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Building Block Database Search

Building block search:
S1: gender or (women or men)
Returned: 66,815 hits
S2: disparities or inequality
Returned: 4,076 hits
S3: medical or disease or health
Returned: 93,260 hits
S4: gender and disparities and medical
Returned: 4 hits
Racial/Ethnic Differences in the Relationship between the Use of Health Care Services and Functional Disability: The Health and Retirement Study (1992-2004) Author: Bowen, Mary Elizabeth; Gonzalez, Hector M. Source: Gerontologist v48 n5 p659-667 Oct 2008 (9 pages) Doc. Type: Article (EJ) Accession No: EJ817687 Libraries Worldwide: 1945 TEXAS WOMAN'S UNIV LIBR See more details for locating this item

Building block search:
S1: gender or (women or men)
Returned: 1,642,329 (in English)
S2: disparities or inequality
Returned: 32,735 (in English)
S3: medical or disease or health
Returned: 2,359,810 (in English)
S4: gender and disparities and medical
Returned: 51 hits [misspelling returned 0 hits]
Gender, race, class, and health : intersectional approaches / Author: Schulz, Amy J.; Mullins, Leith. Publication: San Francisco, CA : Jossey-Bass, 2006 Document: English : Book
Libraries Worldwide: 415 More Like This: Search for versions with same title and author Advanced options ...
See more details for locating this item

Building block search:
S1: gender or (women or men)
Returned: 1,379,114 hits
S2: disparities or inequality
Returned: 179,505 hits
S3: medical or disease or health
Returned: 1,077,49 hits
S4: gender and disparities and medical
Returned: 2,437 hits modify to limit by discipline: health policy returns 22 titles:
Gender Differences in Health-Related Quality of Life in Patients with HIV/AIDS
Joseph M. Mrus, Paige L. Williams, Joel Tsevat, Susan E. Cohn, Albert W. Wu
–Quality of Life Research, Vol. 14, No. 2 (Mar., 2005), pp. 479-491
Item Information Page of First Match PDF Export this Citation

Building block search:
S1: gender or (women or men)
Returned: 151 hits
S2: disparities or inequality
Returned: 999 hits
S3: medical or disease or health
Returned: 1,000 hits
S4: gender and disparities and medical
Returned: 259 hits modify by source: magazines and journals: 37 hits
New gender agenda; Push to eliminate insurance rate disparities intensifiesModern Healthcare, May 18, 2009, 841 words, Rebecca Vesely

Comments: The building block search is the one I've found the most effective for my research. It returns relevant hits and still provides a variety of concepts that could be added to the search, which could increase the depth of the research being conducted.

Specific Facet First Database Search

Comments: Specific facet first is completed as each time that a building block search is altered in my examples, the choice of creating a standard building block search has been completed--the choice to continue to selectively reduce the hits has been made. See Building block search, above, for results.

Citation Pearl Growing Database Search

Known Item:
Racial/Ethnic Differences in the Relationship between the Use of Health Care Services and Functional Disability: The Health and Retirement Study (1992-2004) Author: Bowen, Mary Elizabeth; Gonzalez, Hector M. Source: Gerontologist v48 n5 p659-667 Oct 2008 (9 pages) Doc. Type: Article (EJ) Accession No: EJ817687 Libraries Worldwide: 1945 TEXAS WOMAN'S UNIV LIBR See more details for locating this item
Results to (su: health and su: care) and au: bowen returned 5 hits: selected:
Market-Based Disparities in Foster Care Service Provision Author: McBeath, Bowen; Meezan, William Source: Research on Social Work Practice v18 n1 p27-41 2008 (15 pages) Doc. Type: Article (EJ) Accession No: EJ793682 Libraries Worldwide: 564 See more details for locating this item

Known Item:
Gender, race, class, and health : intersectional approaches / Author: Schulz, Amy J.; Mullins, Leith. Publication: San Francisco, CA : Jossey-Bass, 2006 Document: English : Book
Libraries Worldwide: 415 More Like This: Search for versions with same title and author Advanced options ...
See more details for locating this item
Results: option of advance search: keywords: gender and Schultz and medical returned 8 hits---similar search returned 1 title:
Investment in women's human capital / Author: Schultz, T. Paul. Publication: Chicago : University of Chicago Press, 1995 Document: English : Book
Libraries Worldwide: 428 More Like This: Search for versions with same title and author Advanced options ...
See more details for locating this item

Known Item:
Gender Differences in Health-Related Quality of Life in Patients with HIV/AIDS
Joseph M. Mrus, Paige L. Williams, Joel Tsevat, Susan E. Cohn, Albert W. Wu
–Quality of Life Research, Vol. 14, No. 2 (Mar., 2005), pp. 479-491
Item Information Page of First Match PDF Export this Citation
Results: on ti:gender: 11,612 hits; on au:mrus: 2hits:
Influence of Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infection on the Course of Hepatitis C Virus Infection: A ... more
C. S. Graham, L. R. Baden, E. Yu, J. M. Mrus, J. Carnie, T. Heeren and M. J. Koziel
Clinical Infectious Diseases, Vol. 33, No. 4 (Aug. 15, 2001), pp. 562-569
Published by: The University of Chicago Press

Known Item:
New gender agenda; Push to eliminate insurance rate disparities intensifiesModern Healthcare, May 18, 2009, 841 words, Rebecca Vesely
Results: no citation growing; author not returned, keyword searching in different fields.

Comments: In this case, the two databases Eric and WorldCat are conducive to the citation pearl search. Eric provides lists, which still need to be reviewed.

Browsing Search Database Search

On the World Wide Web (WWW), I started with the core words of: 'gender disparities medical' and returned 1,600,000 hits. Added 'peer reviewed' and got 131,000 hits. Thinking to narrow it by adding 'care' to the string, and still returned 124,000 hits. 'U.S.' added to the string narrowed it to 81,900 hits. '2009' reduced the hits to 38,000. Full text narrowed it to 22,100 hits. Adding 'poverty' to the string shrunk the returned hits to 1,780. Adding 'elderly' to the string narrowed it to 495 hits. 'Single"' narrowed the search returns to 361 hits. Trying 'public policy' and 'policy' did not decrease the number of hits; so I assume that I then need to start browsing the returns. On page 8, I finally found an interesting, relevant entry:
Sheryl Burgstahler, Ph.D.
749k - Microsoft Word - View as html
... care, more poverty, and less social inclusion compared ... Review research findings on gender disparities in accessing services. Nosek (2001, 2002, & 2003)

Comments: This link should provide a rich source of relevant material, as it is her area of expertise. However, it took at least half of an hour to narrow the search down, even with a quick internet connection. Not being able to utilize the pre-configured search limitors in a database has limitations in that the results are so very large so as to be not as effective in aiding in conducting research on a subject as broad a gender disparities in the field of medicine as other 'cleaner' methods.

DIALOG Database Search

The database within DIALOG that I chose to search was # 35, the one containing dissertations. These queries were challenging, as the method of finding the right combination of search topics was difficult. The queries seemed similar, yet if one aspect of what the database needed for a command was missing, the query provided no hits, which initially seemed to mean there were no matches within the system. Only one dissertation was really close to relevant, in all the searches; as when I got the matches to 3 (in search 12) or to 12 hits (in search 18) the only result that appeared relevant to my research topic was one written in 1982. A summary of the results follow, from the results I received in the search. One thing that this search showed me is that I may be able to really fine-tune my dissertation topic of urban planning within a sociological dicipline base.
Show Database Details for: 35: Dissertation Abstracts Online


Search History: Set: Term Searched: Items
S2: GENDER : 67376
S5: WOMAN? SEX? : 0
S8: WOMEN OR SEX: 129265
S11: 2 AND A4 AND S7 AND S8 AND S9 AND S10: 0
S12: 2 AND S4 AND S7 AND S8 AND S9 AND S10: 3
S13: 7 AND S10: 2526
S14: 8 AND S10:2352
S15: 7 AND S8 AND S10: 461
S16: 8 AND S10: 2352
S17: 4 AND S8: 16376
S18: 4 AND S7 AND S10: 12

Show Database Details for: 35: Dissertation Abstracts Online
Results from: © 2009 Dialog LLC All Rights Reserved

Monday, August 3, 2009

Pod Cast

The ongoing debate of healthcare in the United States, for many people, focuses on the 'insured and uninsured' in a way that dehumanizes the individuals whom stand to loose the most if the current system continues, unchanged. This audio podcast provides a discussion on the needs of most under-served sector in our nation, and is from a reputable source, National Public Radio. The National Public Radio topics are invariably timely to the issues of the day, and well researched. Searching the web with Yahoo!, the page was easy to spot under the results listed for podcast directory as: NPR: Poscast Directory.

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